Look for the Math Around You is a collection of real-life photos with question prompts to help start math conversations with children. Math is everywhere around us – let’s help our children see the math in their lives. Use the optional prompts or go off-script and have fun looking for the math around you!

Look for the Math Around You: Arrays is a collection of real-life photos with question prompts to help start math conversations with children. Arrays are an excellent way to arrange objects for visual effect and for easy counting. When children understand the rows and columns in an array, they make connections to addition, multiplication, and division concepts. Perfect for reading at home or in the classroom, this book will help children see math in their daily lives. Use the optional prompts or go off-script and have fun looking for the math around you!

Look for the Math Around You: Estimation is a collection of real-life photos with question prompts to help start math conversations with children. Estimating is a skill we use every day. When children learn to hone their estimating skills, they begin to estimate everything around them – correct answers to math problems, materials needed for an art project, and even how long it will take them to fold their laundry! Perfect for reading at home or in the classroom, this book will help children see math in their daily lives. Use the optional prompts or go off-script and have fun looking for the math around you!

Look for the Math Around You: Fractions is a collection of real-life photos with question prompts to help start math conversations with children. Fractions appear in many ways in our lives – not just in the classroom. Explore the countless places we can find fractions in our world. Perfect for reading at home or in the classroom, this book will help children see math in their daily lives. Use the optional prompts or go off-script and have fun looking for the math around you!

Look for the Math Around You: Geometry is a collection of real-life photos with question prompts to help start math conversations with children. Shapes, lines, and angles are everywhere around us; together, they make up the beauty of our world. When children can see geometry concepts all around them, they begin to make connections to what they learn about in the classroom. Perfect for reading at home or in the classroom, this book will help children see math in their daily lives. Use the optional prompts or go off-script and have fun looking for the math around you!

Look for the Math Around You: Math Chats is a collection of real-life photos with question prompts to help start math conversations with children. Most of our everyday experiences can spark a math chat – we just need to be on the lookout. Children develop a love of mathematics when they learn to make connections that are relevant in their lives. Perfect for reading at home or in the classroom, this book will help children see math in their daily lives. Use the optional prompts or go off-script and have fun looking for the math around you!

Look for the Math Around You: Patterns is a collection of real-life photos with question prompts to help start math conversations with children. Patterns are everywhere – in nature, our homes, in the classroom, and even on clothes! When children notice patterns in the world around them, they begin to make connections to patterning and algebra concepts in mathematics. Perfect for reading at home or in the classroom, this book will help children see math in their daily lives. Use the prompts or go off-script and have fun looking for the math around you!