As an educator myself, I can say confidently that we are working harder than ever before. This new world of online-emergency-remote-learning – or whatever else you want to call it – is not normal to any of us. Then, add the possible additional pressures of home-life chaos, children of your own you must teach at home, financial struggles, and mental health decline due to isolation and you have a stressful scenario most of us have never dealt with before.
This is why this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week is more important that ever. I hope you will take a minute this week to message your children’s teachers, text a fellow teacher, or call your teaching partner to tell them they are doing a great job. It is a message that goes a very long way when we are just trying to make it through day-by-day, doing the best we can under the circumstances.
As a thank you to all teachers, our publisher, EduMatch Publishing, is offering 20% off all books purchased through their website, including the paperback and hardcover versions of Everyone Can Learn Math. Use the checkout code TEACHERLOVE to receive the discount. If you are shopping, be sure to check out all the other books offered by EduMatch! Find Everyone Can Learn Math here. The discount is valid through May 9.
Sending LOVE and SUNSHINE to all the educators out there pushing through their struggles to make learning meaningful for their students. We can do this! We will one day be back in the classroom again.
Keep spreading the math love <3